The New Year is off to a good start! China's second Hualong No. 1 nuclear power unit grid-connected power generation

At 22:35:38 on January 1, 2022, my country's independent third-generation nuclear power Hualong No. 1 ushered in a "good start" in the New Year: China National Nuclear Corporation Fuqing Nuclear Power Unit 6 was successfully connected to the grid for the first time and began to send the first kilowatt-hour of electricity to the grid. The third station in the world and my country's second Hualong No. 1 grid-connected generator set. The site confirmed that the technical indicators are in line with the design requirements, the unit is in good condition, for the follow-up formal commercial operation to lay a solid foundation.

The "core" part of Hualong No. 1-the reactor and primary circuit system are independently developed and designed by the China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute. It adopts 177 core design, "active and inactive" safety system, double-layer containment and other technologies to meet the highest international safety standards in terms of safety.

As the "national business card" of China's nuclear power going to the world, Hualong No.1 is one of the three generation nuclear power models with the highest acceptance in the nuclear power market, and has been selected as one of the top ten "national heavy equipment" of central enterprises for two consecutive years ". At present, Hualong 1, the world's first pile of Fuqing nuclear power unit 5, Hualong 1 overseas first pile of Pakistan Karachi unit 2 has been put into commercial operation in 2021.

Each Hualong No. 1 unit has an installed capacity of 1.161 million kilowatts and an annual power generation capacity of nearly 10 billion kWh, which can meet the annual production and domestic electricity needs of the 1 million population in moderately developed countries. It is equivalent to reducing standard coal consumption by 3.12 million tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 8.16 million tons per year, which is equivalent to planting more than 7000 million trees for afforestation. It is important for optimizing China's energy structure, promoting green and low-carbon development, and helping to achieve the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality". Meaning

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