National business card "Hualong No.1" overseas first project two units officially delivered to Pakistan

The joint construction of "Belt and Road Initiative" is a major initiative put forward by President Xi Jinping to comply with the general trend of world development and the requirements of the progress of the times and to promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road Initiative" initiative. On February 2, Beijing time, Pakistan held the inauguration ceremony of Unit 3 (K-3) of Karachi nuclear power plant. So far, China's nuclear power major innovation achievements, China's independent third-generation nuclear power Hualong No. 1 exported to Pakistan 2 million kilowatt units after completion and production officially delivered to Pakistan. From the national business card to the world business card, Hualong One once again shines on the "Belt and Road", marking the full completion of Hualong One's first project in Pakistan. This is another important milestone in the nuclear energy cooperation between the two countries and reflects China and Pakistan in the new era. The "hardcore" friendship between the two countries.


At the ceremony, China and Pakistan stated that from Chashma Nuclear Power Unit 1, which is known as an excellent model of "South-South cooperation", to Pakistan's first million-kilowatt nuclear power engineering K-2/K-3 project, the two sides have cooperated to build two major nuclear power The base has a total of six nuclear power units, providing Pakistan with a steady stream of clean and stable power, truly benefiting the Pakistani people, and further consolidating the all-weather strategic partnership between China and Pakistan, it also proves once again that China-Pakistan friendship is higher than the mountains and deeper than the sea. China-Pakistan nuclear energy cooperation has broad space, huge potential and bright prospects. The two sides will work together to deepen the China-Pakistan all-weather strategic cooperative partnership and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind to make new and greater contributions.

Karachi K-2/K-3 is the largest nuclear power plant in Pakistan, and it is also Pakistan's first single-unit million-kilowatt power project, which is contracted by China National Nuclear Corporation China Central Plains Foreign Engineering Co., Ltd. On May 20, 2021, the K-2 unit officially entered commercial operation. On April 18, 2022, the K-3 unit was successfully provisionally accepted. Since the commercial operation, the K-2/K-3 unit project has provided more than 60000 local jobs in the whole cycle, and has generated nearly 20 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, meeting the annual production and living electricity needs of the local 2 million population. The environmental protection benefit is equivalent to planting 0.14 billion trees, promoting the local people's livelihood and economic development in Pakistan, It is of great significance to optimize Pakistan's energy structure, promote the realization of the global carbon peak and carbon neutrality goal and jointly deal with the global climate crisis.

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